I made mine by toasting the rye bread and slathering a thick coat of Russian dressing (made by combining ketchup, mayo and relish) on both pieces of bread, then layering the corned beef and coleslaw on top:
I also cooked up some fries on my pizza stone:
They were perfectly crisp and I kept it simple - just salt, pepper and a touch of oil. I think next time I'll leave off the oil and they'll be even better.
For SP's sandwich I didn't toast the bread before layering the corned beef, coleslaw and Russian dressing. He had his open-faced, topped with four slices of Swiss cheese. He ran the sandwich under the broiler to melt the cheese and ate his with a knife and fork:
I'm drooling, THC.
ReplyDeleteI want SP's with all that cheeeeeese. damn, that rhymed hahahaha.