
Sunday, September 30, 2007


It's been awhile since I took any good photos of our cat. For starters, I can only take his picture during the day when I can use natural light because he looks like he's possessed if I use the flash. Then there's the issue of once he sees the camera he jumps up from the cute position he was sitting in and comes running over to me for a petting session. Makes it kind of hard to take a decent photo, not to mention capture his adorable poses. After missing a great picture of him on the huge chair in our bedroom I managed to take this one of him:

... as he was trying to get me to scratch his chin. After snapping a dozen photos where he turned his head at the last second I let him go off and do his thing and then followed him. Luckily he stopped in the upstairs hall in front of the window where there was plenty of sunlight:

I wish he would stand still long enough for me to get some good photos but he's finicky like that. Shocking for a cat, I know.


  1. He is a gorgeous kitty! I love the last photo the best, because he has this expression on his face like he's grumpy you're taking photos, hehe!

  2. Katie - Thanks! We think he's pretty handsome. :) Whenever I take his picture he gets that look on his face.

  3. DUSTERS! Keep those Dusty pics coming! Even tho he hates it, that is :)

  4. he is a very handsome kitty. I'll have to have pics of my little andy girl - she can be the "mascot" of my new food blog. hee hee.

  5. C Laz - LOL! He hates it, but I don't care. He's just so damn cute that he needs to be photographed whether he likes it or not.

    alosha - Thank you! We call him our boutique kitty. We're pretty sure whoever had him before us got him on special order from a breeder. He just has that kind of coloring, ya know?

    And yes, every food blog needs a kitty mascot! :)


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