
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tex-Mex Breakfast Tacos

There was a little leftover beef from the enchiladas so I used it to make breakfast tacos this morning:

I reheated the beef in a skillet and then added the eggs. While they were cooking I charred some corn tortillas over the gas flame. I put some of the egg mixture topped with leftover salsa in each tortilla and breakfast was served.


  1. I don't know why it never occurred to me to make breakfast tacos - I've only ever made breakfast burritos. they're my favorite thing on sunday after saturday night debauchery. ;) the good thing about tacos though is I could make two tacos with different stuff in them since I always have a hard time deciding on one burrito.

  2. alosha - Breakfast tacos are fantastic, as are the burritos.

    Waaaay back, maybe in the spring, I made a boatload of breakfast burritos for SP's old office (they did breakfast club on Fridays) and they were a huge hit. I keep meaning to make them again for us but I never remember.

    I need to start keeping flour tortillas on hand at all times for when the odd quesadilla/tacos/burrito/cheese crisp craving hits.


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