
Monday, August 24, 2009

Caprese Spaghetti

We needed a quick dinner last Sunday because we'd spent the weekend down in Baltimore visiting one of my friends from college. I had a ton of tomatoes from my garden that needed to be used up, plus plenty of basil, so I thought a caprese pasta sounded perfect.

While the water boiled and the pasta cooked I chopped the tomatoes, diced a ball of fresh mozzarella and shredded some basil. I tossed everything together with salt, pepper and a little oil. SP thought this was the essence of summer in a bowl.


  1. Just wanted to say a quick "hi" and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I stumbled across it one hungry night while I was waiting to go get some dinner. From what I have read and seen, you truly are a wonderful cook and your passion for food and cooking exudes out of every one of your pics. Visiting this blog has truly become a weekly delight for me.

    Keep up the great cooking!

  2. I'm pretty sure you know how insane I am for caprese pasta, yeah? *DROOOOL*

  3. Paul - Wow, you really know how to flatter someone. :) Thank you so much for the compliments. I'm glad you like my blog. Thanks for the ego boost...I needed it.

    Melissa - The love affair with tomato, mozzarella and basil continues. :)

  4. Looks like a beautiful dish that would be served in an Italian restaurant!

  5. I love the simplicity of this dish and caprese flavors are always a hit!


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