
Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Lunch

Happy Easter!! I hope everyone had a great day. We had a marvelous lunch at my mom's house, but the weather was just not spring-like. It was sunny, but the temp barely hit 50 degrees.

My mom dyed some hard boiled eggs in fun, festive colors:

She also made her absolutely delicious potato salad:

I just love this simple potato salad. I've never made her recipe because I know I couldn't do it justice.

I made deviled eggs:

... keeping it simple with mayo, yellow mustard, salt and pepper with a dash of paprika on top for color:

Mom also roasted some asparagus in the oven with just oil, salt and pepper:

... and heated up some ham and two kinds of kielbasa:

The larger piece was slightly smoky and spicy. We also had some rye bread with butter:

The dining room table all laid out for the feast:

My plate with a little bit of everything:

Mom also made a lemon cheesecake:

... topped with fresh raspberries and served atop fresh raspberry sauce:

It was a delicious lunch and the perfect way to welcome in spring, even if Mother Nature didn't cooperate in the weather department.


  1. I will take a plate of the potato salad and a slice of the cheesecake...they both look great!!!

  2. mmm, how tasty, I'd love to have a slice of that cheesecake

  3. Lunch looks divine. So glad you had a happy Easter.

  4. What a wonderful spread and hope you had a wonderful Easter too!

  5. The Cheesecake looks lovely! Will you post a recipe for the cheesecake? I'm always interested in a new recipe for cheesecake.

  6. danielle (ilovedave)8:04 PM, April 29, 2009

    Everything looks AMAZING...especially your mom's lemon cheesecake! Do you think she'd mind passing on the recipe? : )



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