
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thai Green Curry Chicken

I wanted to experiment with green curry again. Once again I used things I had on hand, which meant this curry had chicken breasts, bamboo shoots, onion, red pepper, zucchini and mushrooms:

I cooked all the vegetables in a pan until they were soft, then I added a few heaping spoonfuls of green curry paste and toasted it in the pan until it was fragrant. Then I added maybe 1/2 cup of chicken broth and two cans of coconut milk to make the sauce. Once the sauce was simmering I added the chicken and let it poach in the sauce. Last time I made this dish there wasn't enough sauce so I doubled the amount and it was a little too soupy. Still a work in progress, but the flavors were excellent.


  1. Looks great! If its too soupy, I would let it simmer longer until it reduces down. This will help the flavors get more concentrated. The colors in this look really good... I never thought of adding carrots and zucchini! Now I think I should try that :)

  2. Joelen - I will definitely simmer it longer next time. I was going to this time but SP was ready to eat and I didn't want to run the risk of it summering too long and there not being enough sauce.

    Actually, that's red pepper. I know it looks like carrot in the photo, though. :)

    Melissa - We must be on the same wavelength again. :) I'm loving Thai food but I rarely get a chance to eat it out so I have to make it at home. I'm not quite there yet with the flavors, but I'm working on it.

  3. The curry looks lovely and the colors are great. If the curry turns out too 'soupy' you can try adding some coconut milk powder to the curry, it will thicken the sauce without having to simmer for a long time.


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