
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You Make My Day!

Erin over at Erin Eats picked me for the You Make My Day Award.

This was quite unexpected but very, very much appreciated. Work has been kicking my butt lately and between the time change and the stress of the last few weeks I'm just plain worn down these days. Getting this award made my day. Thank you again, Erin!

Now it's my turn to pass on the love to Alosha, Priscilla, Katie, Tracie, Chrissy, Jessy and my mom. :)


  1. Way to go Home Cook!!! You make my day EVERY DAY!!!

    You are a sweetie! Thanks for making MY day today. Now you'll just need to tell me what I need to do....being the technologically challenged mom that I am!!

  2. alotta - You need to right click on the You Make My Day photo above, save it to your desktop and then upload it to Blogger. Once you do that you can add it to a post just like you would any other photo.

    If you want to "pay it forward" you can select other people who you want to share the You Make My Day Award with and link to their blogs in your post. :)

    Love you so!

  3. Why, thank you m'dear! Since I have such a small following, I must say and you, Jessy and Gina make my day!

    xoxo. Miss you!

  4. Aww you make my day too! Seriously - when I see that you've updated your blog I always click over to it (I don't read it in my bloglines, I enjoy your content so much it deserves to be opened in your blog layout!) and I look forward to seeing some great food!

    Thanks for the tag, it's on my to-do list. :)

  5. C Laz - You are quite welcome. :)

    Katie - Awww...thanks! I'm so glad you enjoy reading my blog (and that you read it in its original layout). :)

  6. thank you!!

    I've been a little absent this last week, but I posted this on my blog tonight.

    you make my day! :)


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