
Monday, February 27, 2012

Secret Recipe Club - Cookies and Cream Brownies

It's that time again, time for another Secret Recipe Club reveal. We had January off so when I feel like it's been a very long time since I did one of these posts I'm actually right.

This month I got the blog Everyday Sisters. It's written by four sisters with 10 kids between them. A lot of the recipes on their blog have been passed down from various family members or are from magazines and cookbooks their mom used. It was fun to look through the blog and get a glimpse into their lives through the food they cook.

When it came time to choose a recipe, though, I was stumped. Thankfully we got our blog assignment in early January and my post wasn't due until the end of February so I had plenty of time to see what the ladies came up with over the next month. We ended up being invited to a Super Bowl party and I was tasked with dessert, which if you've read my blog before you know is not my forte. I decided to see what the sisters had on their blog in the way of dessert and low and behold the first recipe to pop up that day was for these Cookies and Cream Brownies. Perfect!

Since I'm not much of a baker the fact that this recipe has two ingredients (if you don't count what you need to make the brownies) is what sold me. I also knew they'd be a big hit at the party. How can you go wrong with Double-Stuf Oreos and brownies? You can't. Just look at the inside of the brownie:

These took me all of 30 minutes to make, including the 15 minutes for baking. The most time-consuming part is dipping the cookies in the brownie batter. Here they are ready to be baked:

I was right about them being a hit. All the women at the party asked for the recipe. I felt like I was cheating telling them it was just brownie mix and Oreos, but they loved not only the taste but how easy they were to make. I sent the rest of the leftovers to work with SP. We got suckered into buying Girl Scout cookies and I don't need even more sweets around the house.

The only change I made was to the cooking time. Since the brownies have to cool in the tin I suggest under-baking them slightly. The full 15 minutes plus cooling time resulted in a much harder brownie then I typically like. I adjusted the cooking time to 12 minutes to compensate. I think these would be amazing with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Cookies and Cream Brownies
Slightly Modified From Everyday Sisters

1 box family size brownie mix
1 package of Double-Stuf Oreos

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Generously grease two muffin tins with cooking spray.

Make brownie mix per package directions. Dip 24 Oreos into the brownie batter until coated completely. Place one in each greased muffin cup. If you have leftover batter, divide it evenly among the muffin cups.

Crush the remaining 6 Oreos in a plastic food storage bag using a rolling pin. Sprinkle crushed Oreos on top of each brownie-battered Oreo. Bake for 12 minutes. Let cool completely before removing from tins.


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! These brownies sound to die for! I need these right now.

  2. You definitely cannot go wrong with these. Fellow group D poster.

  3. I love that they are made in a muffin pan! That's such a smart idea ;) They look fantastic!

  4. Oh wow, these brownies look killer! Great job!

  5. Oh my! Two of my favorite things...must try these (C:

  6. These were a big hit when I made them too! I LOVE the idea of shortening the cooking time because I like a moister brownie and they can tend to be on the harder side if you don't put enough brownie batter on the cookie to bake. Your brownies came out perfect!! I think I'll go back and adjust the baking time on my blog too! :)


  7. Such a fun recipe and I love that they're made in a muffin tin, too cute!

    If you haven't already, I'd love for you to check out my Group 'A' SRC entry: Crunchy Fudgy Heart Bites and my Group 'D' entry: Health(ier) Peanut Brittle

    Cook Lisa Cook

  8. Now those are some super yummy brownies! I bet you were the hit of your superbowl party with those brownies.

    I love the blog Everyday Sisters as I too have had them as a "secret" blog :-)

  9. Yum! I love myself a good brownie and am a TOTAL SUCKER for Oreos! :) Perfect for me

  10. Oh my gosh, with each picture it just got more and more delicious. Gotta love those!

  11. I have to try these. They look amazing! Oreos make everything better...

  12. Brownies with a cookie inside? Be still my heart. :)


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