
Friday, July 01, 2011

Caprese Pasta

Two of the things I love most about summer are fresh tomatoes and basil. I love the simple flavors of mozzarella, tomato and basil, also known as caprese. I usually grow my own tomatoes but last year they all fell victim to blossom rot so I skipped them this year. But I am still growing basil (among other herbs) for the simple joy of being able to cook with them whenever I want. My friend Melissa recently posted this recipe for caprese pasta, which I've made countless times before but rediscovered thanks to her post.

I haven't tried her version with the shredded mozzarella since I'm a sucker for fresh, but if she says it's awesome then I believe it.

Caprese Pasta

There are no set amounts here. It's all up to you. This is what you will need:

Dry pasta
Cherry/grape tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves
Olive oil
Kosher or sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
Fresh mozzarella, diced

Cook pasta in boiling salted water according to package directions; drain well. Pour into a medium bowl, squirt a bit of olive oil on it, toss and let cool to room temperature.

Cut up the tomatoes and chiffonade the basil. Mix together in a large bowl, soak with olive oil, and add salt and pepper, to taste. Let sit for at least 5 minutes.

Pour the cooled pasta into the bowl with the tomato basil mixture. Combine well, taste, and add more salt and/or pepper, if needed. Add diced mozzarella and toss.


  1. *sigh* Isn't this the best? I really could eat this every few days all year long, but I try to hold back until tomatoes are at least decent. I totally want this for dinner now.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say Hello!

    This recipe looks so good... I just may have to make it tonight :)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. i really love the combination of tomatoes and mozzarella, bocconcini is also really nice


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