
Monday, January 04, 2010

Christmas Dinner

This year my mom took over the cooking of the traditional Christmas feast. She made a standing rib roast, which my stepdad expertly carved:

... as well as Yorkshire pudding with the pan drippings:

My mom took these pics because I was feeding the baby, so I don't have closeups of the green beans with almonds or the mashed potatoes, but here's a table shot:

And my plate with a little bit of everything:

The meat was done perfectly, nice and rare. Everything was fantastic and a great meal to celebrate our first Christmas with Baby Girl. Dessert was a yummy, dense chocolate cake:

... and coffee. I could have eaten half the cake, it was that good.


  1. Looks amazing! Happy New Year!

  2. Looks delicious!! Do you have a recipe for that chocolate cake??

  3. Sorry Stephanie, the cake was store-bought.

  4. That rib roast looks A-MA-ZING. Done perfectly. Yum!


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