
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Meat and Veggie Skewers

I love grilling skewers of meat and veggies. I skewered up some zucchini, grape tomatoes and red onion:

... along with steak for SP and chicken for me:

I marinated the chicken in pineapple juice, soy sauce, garlic, and cilantro with a little oil, salt and pepper. The steak was marinated in oil, salt, pepper, garlic and cilantro. I let the meats sit for about 6 hours to really soak up the flavors.

I love this Thai pineapple rice although I always say I don't know what makes it Thai:

The veggies on the grill:

Veggies ready to be eaten:

My plate with two chicken skewers, rice and veggies:

Always a delicious, simple meal.


  1. Yeah I clicked back and um, I can't figure out what makes it Thai either and I'm pretty well versed in Thai cuisine. Huh. Still, addictive is addictive. :)

    I've only made skewers once. I forget how easy and tasty they are!

  2. I love grilling veggies/meats on skewers. Nice marinades!

  3. Melissa - I guess they consider soy sauce a Thai ingredient? Who knows? It's just darn good, that's what I know.

    MaryEllen - Thanks!


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