
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be out there. I hope everyone had a great day celebrating with loved ones. We went to my parent's house for a cookout and had a great meal. I'm a little behind with posts so it might be a little while before the posts show up here, but I promise they will eventually.

Speaking of posting...I know I have some explaining to do. If you're a regular reader of this blog you might have noticed that the posts have been a little lackluster the last few months. I'm really sorry about that, but I'm happy to report that there's a very good reason.

Introducing Baby B, also known in the family as BB:

Here s/he is waving hi to all the readers. I'm currently 15 weeks and due October 30.

The reason for the lackluster posting was that the first trimester was a little rough. Fortunately I had evening sickness, which made going to work and functioning very easy. Unfortunately I had evening sickness, which made cooking and staying up past 8:30pm very difficult. I hate to say it, but there were even nights where we had frozen pizza or boxed mac & cheese. The day we bought some of these convenience foods I almost cried when I looked at our shopping cart. But I did what I had to do to keep us fed, which was where the bar was at that point.

I'm happy to report, however, that the second trimester has been much better. I'm still not feeling 100%, but I can actually cook dinner and stay up until a normal time. I promise the posts should get better in the coming weeks as I catch up with old meals and start making new ones. And with the warm summer weather comes grilling and lots of natural light for taking pictures.

Once again, I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day to a new mother! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations -- how exciting! And Happy Mother's Day to you, Mama to Be!

  3. Congrats! I don't know you IRL, but I read enough food blogs by young marrieds to know that light posting usually means an announcement is forthcoming. I SO knew this was coming! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Congratulations- Happy Mothers Day!

  5. Hee. Glad you spilled the beans here. Was wondering if/when you would.

    Lackluster, blah blah, but you at least maintained the blog. Quite an accomplishment.

    And I'll tell you a secret... I kind of like Kraft Mac n Cheese. A foodie failure, I know. But I ate it as a kid with Leseur peas and it's just one of those things.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, love. *HUGE HUG*

  6. OMG congratulations! That's wonderful news and I can't wait to meet the little chef-in-training in October! :)

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you too! Congratulations on the big news.

  8. You should have posted about the pizzas and mac 'n' cheese!


  9. Congratulations!! Hope you have a happy & healthy pregnancy!

  10. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. :)

  11. Happy belated Mother's Day to the new mom-to-be! Congrats and H&H 9 months! : )

  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your little one will adore all of the fabulous meals you cook-up!

  13. Congrats! So exciting! I've been reading your blog for awhile (de-lurking here...) I wanted to let you know I FINALLY got a food blog up and running (with my sister). Feel free to check it out! I love Chicago and always enjoy your posts!

  14. oops.. sorry for the random comment about Chicago! Here's what I meant to say :-)

    I've been reading your blog for awhile (de-lurking here...) I wanted to let you know I FINALLY got a food blog up and running (with my sister). Feel free to check it out! I always enjoy your posts!

  15. OMG HOME COOK!!!!! That is awesome!!!! :) I noticed your posts transitioning (as mine did when I was preggers) and I wondered...! lol! That is so freaking exciting and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your pregnancy! I too had only evening sickness...maybe its a baby girl!!! :) Congratulations! I hope you post a lot more about baby! :)

  16. Congratulations on your awesome news! A new baby is such a miracle. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy -- in no time at all you'll have a baby to hold (trying cooking with one arm!).

  17. Thank you one and all! I promise to be better about the food posting from now on. :)

  18. Sorry for late congrats! still trying to catch up on my blog reading! best wishes to you!


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