
Friday, May 22, 2009

Foodie Blogroll Award - Lemon Tree

Back at the end of March I got an email from Jenn at the Foodie Blogroll saying I'd won their bi-weekly contest. I was shocked. I never win anything. My prize was a $50 gift certificate to be used at From the Farm, an online farmers market. I had a really tough time picking a prize since everything sounded fantastic, but finally I decided on a dwarf lemon tree:

I planted the tree in a large container and kept it inside for a few weeks until the weather got a bit warmer. It's now out back in the direct sun and I really hope it thrives. I don't live in a good citrus tree climate, but since I can bring the tree inside in the winter I'm hopeful it'll survive. For now I'm anxiously waiting for the first fruit to appear.


  1. I believe that you need two trees to cross pollinate each other. I may be wrong, but I've heard this from several people. You might want to look into getting another :)

  2. I hope you are rewarded with some yummy lemons! I have 3 citrus trees myself (lime, orange, meyer lemon)... all in containers. My favorite part is when the blossoms open. The scent is like heaven.

    Just a tip... next time add a lot more soil to your container. You should fill it up to about 1-2 inches below the rim, depending on the size of the pot. The more soil, the bigger the root system, the healthier and bigger the plant/tree.

    Good luck!

  3. I can say that it's not true about needing 2 trees. I used to have only the orange tree... and even all by its lonesome on my old apartment balcony, I got a few oranges.

  4. longhair - This was sold as a ready-to-go lemon tree so I don't think I need a second one.

    Kristi - We followed the directions in terms of soil but I might end up adding some more when I buy my tomato and herb plants this weekend.

  5. How fun!! I can hardly wait to see you first lemon.

  6. Oooh that's going to be wonderful - can't wait to see all the recipes you do with lemons when you start getting some! :)

    I won something once, but before I got my prize, the company who was doing it simply disappeared, so the blogger who did the competition just sort of went, sorry, you lose. I didn't get anything, but everyone else who won something did. :(

  7. How cool, you won! Hope the lemons come, and quickly. :)

  8. Ready to go...sign me up! I think I am getting one now :)


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