
Friday, November 28, 2008

Breakfast Quesadillas

I made this breakfast quesadilla last weekend:

I cooked one breakfast sausage patty and then chopped it into small pieces. I put it into a small pan with a few spoonfuls of Goya pico de gallo and cooked that for a few minutes. Then I added one egg, lightly beaten and cooked everything together. The mixture went onto half a tortilla that had been lightly fried in a little vegetable oil, topped with some cheddar cheese and one chopped scallion, and then folded over to make the quesadilla. I topped it with chopped cilantro and served it with sour cream for a delicious breakfast.


  1. That looks great. Really great. I love that I came here today and see so many posts that aren't Thanksgiving hehe.

  2. Yum - what a great-looking breakfast!

  3. Melissa - LOL! I had some time to catch up. Can you believe between Thanksgiving and the previous meals I had over 100 photos to go through? Yikes!

    Colleen - Thanks! It was incredible. :)


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