
Friday, September 19, 2008

Finest Foodies Friday

I just got an email from my buddy Melissa over at Alosha's Kitchen...that sneaky girl nominated me for one of the new Foodie Blogroll features Finest Foodies Fridays. I am beyond honored to be nominated! I'm seriously grinning from ear to ear. That Melissa, she really knows how to make a girl feel special. :)

To anyone stopping by to check out A Taste of Home Cooking because of the mention on Finest Foodies Friday, hello and welcome! I hope you like what you see. Feel free to pull up a chair and stay awhile.


  1. I have also passed on an excellence in blogging award to you for your blog! Enjoy :)

  2. Hi, I've been around for a while. Great to meet you. You have a very lovely blog.

  3. Hi, Congrats on being the feature on Finest Foodies Friday! I just joined the Foodie Blogroll and am thrilled to find truly wonderful blogs like yours. Happy cooking!

  4. You know I gots love for ya. ;P

    Maybe I should have warned you though so you could have cleaned up the place. I mean, really.


    Have a wonderful weekend, you.

  5. Home Cook, congratulations on your FFF Award. You have a wonderful blog. I love the Cashew Chicken.

  6. Lisa - Thank you!! :)

    Ivy - Hi! Thanks for posting. :) I'm glad you like what I do here.

    Laurie - Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by. :)

    Meliss - Nice, real nice. And just what, may I ask, is wrong with my blog? Hmmm? :P

    Thank you again for nominating me. You are a fantastic friend!

    Teresa - Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  7. Hey, I checked out your blog after reading the Foodie Blogroll and it is totally deserving of this award! Lovely - thanks for the great read!

  8. Congrats on this and the blog award.


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