
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cheese Quesadilla

Yesterday we wanted an afternoon snack but didn't have much in the house. SP bought some amazingly good cheddar cheese last week so I thought quesadillas would be great.

I kept them simple with shredded cheddar cheese (I seasoned mine with garlic and onion powder, salt and pepper but SP wanted just cheese in his). I diced some grape tomatoes from my garden and mixed them with a little chopped cilantro, salt and pepper and lemon juice. We had the quesadillas with the tomatoes and a dollop of sour cream for a fantastic, easy snack.


  1. Looks so good with those fresh tomatoes on top!

  2. Every time you make a quesadilla, I swear I need to do one myself and I still haven't. One of these days dammit! You just need to come to my house and make me one for lunch so I don't have to. ;)


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