
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Steak, Baked Potatoes, Broccoli

I told myself I wasn't going to cook this week. I just didn't want the stress of having to grocery shop, plan meals, worry about SP starving while I got dinner ready, etc. There's just too much else going on. Usually SP would take over in the kitchen, but his work schedule gets him home pretty late as it is, so we just decided take out was the way to go. Then I got sick. Then he started feeling sick. And by Thursday we just wanted to relax at home. I got out of work at a decent time so I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up two sirloin steaks, 2 huge baked potatoes and 2 heads of broccoli crowns.

This was a very simple, yet incredibly satisfying meal. And it took no time at all. I scrubbed the potatoes and threw them in the microwave for about 25 minutes. Done. The broccoli I just trimmed into large florets and steamed, then tossed with butter, salt and pepper. Done. While SP got the grill going I seasoned the steaks with salt and pepper and made a rosemary butter. I also snipped some chives for our baked potatoes. Dinner was ready in 30 minutes and we even sat outside to enjoy the nice break from the heat wave we've been having.

I just have to say, the chives on the baked potato were outstanding. We both commented on how incredible the flavor was. Something so simple and yet it was really tasty. Thanks for sharing the chives with me, Mom!

And a word about the steaks - the portion pictured above is about a third of one steak. I bought two steaks (totalling 3 pounds) so we'd have plenty for lunches the next day. And the kicker - the sirloin steak was on sale for $2.99/pound, so this entire meal cost less than $15. Score!


  1. Sirloin is probably my favorite cut of beef regardless of price. I love the flavor and the texture - meaty!

    The other bonus is that it's an inexpensive cut of beef!

    One question...25 minutes for the potatoes in the microwave? Really?

  2. Alotta - :)

    longhair - The potatoes were gigantic monsters. So yes, 25 minutes in the microwave for 2 huge potatoes.

  3. That looks like a really good meal - sometimes the best meals are the quickest and simplest. I love the sound of rosemary butter - YUM!


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