
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring Gift Swap

I belong to a cooking board and to celebrate spring we did a Spring Gift Swap. Names were chosen at random using Elfster and today when I got home there was a big box waiting on the front porch for me from Brianna at ...A cookie a day. Yay! I love getting packages in the mail.

Here's the box after I opened it:

I love that everything was wrapped so it was a surprised to open each item. The first thing I unwrapped was the granola:

... followed by the preserves:

... and then the cookies:

In addition to the food she also sent pot holders, wooden spoons and a whisk:

Here's all the gifts together:

There was also a set of dish towels and another jar of preserves. I'm so excited by all these wonderful gifts. I can't wait to use them. Thank you SO much, Brianna!


  1. What a fun thing! I'd love doing something like that and may have to steal the idea, if you don't mind.

  2. I am glad you liked it Sarah :)

    (also glad nothing broke lol )

  3. That is so cool! I would love to be a part of something like that. I'd be afraid of not having time to be really involved though.

    But really, very nice!

  4. Snooty - Definitely steal the idea. It's a lot of fun!

    Brianna - Thank you again! And yes, it all arrived in one piece. :)

    Melissa - It's not anything that involves a lot of time. It's just a message board so you post as little or as much as you like. :)


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