
Monday, May 05, 2008

Signs of Spring

I've been meaning to take pictures of some of our flowers. This is the hanging basket on our front porch:

One of the trees in our front yard is absolutely gorgeous. I didn't realize until I was discussing it with a coworker that it's a dogwood tree. I need to remember to take pictures of it in the fall/winter because it has these amazing red berries. So nice. Here it was a few weeks ago:

This is when I thought it couldn't be a pink dogwood because the colors were a deep red:

But now the flowers are most definitely pink:

I just love how perfect each flower is:

We also have pink tulips:

And a few daffodils (although by now these are gone):

I love spring!!


  1. So beautiful! I want a dogwood tree so badly!

  2. your flowers are gorgeous. I wish it looked like that right outside my door. urban. but I can't complain much, living where I do.

  3. Katie - I feel very lucky...and to think, I didn't even know it was there. And this is our second spring in the house, too. Whoops! :)

    Melissa - Some days I would trade the grass and flowers for your access to amazing food!

  4. Really...they are just blooming? Ours have been gone over a month...I'm jealous!!

  5. longhair - Which plant are you talking about? The dogwoods? Remember, you guys are much closer to the equator. :)


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