
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Doctor Who and a Fry Up

When I was younger, my mom and I would watch the old episodes of Doctor Who on public television. SP and I are huge British TV fans and we've been watching the new episodes (love, love, love David Tennant) on the SciFi channel and BBC America, but my mom had never seen them. We decided it would be fun to have my parents over for brunch on a Sunday to watch the show and I'd make a traditional English breakfast. My fry up:

... had almost all the usual suspects - fried eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and bacon. We did without the sausage and we had bagels instead of toast, but it really tasted like the breakfasts I used to enjoy in England.


  1. This is a meal my hubby would just love!

  2. Snooty - There's not much better then a good fry up!

  3. Ohhhhh. The Sarah Breakfast...almost.

  4. Oops. used your name, but you get the sentiment!!

  5. Coley - No worries. :) I hope you're doing well! xoxox


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