
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Beef Picadillo and White Rice

I was looking through my copies of Everyday with Rachael Ray for a ground beef recipe when I came across this one for Beef Picadillo. I'm not sure when Daisy Martinez from Daisy Cooks! started working with the magazine, but this recipe is from her column.

I have to admit, I was a little skeptical of this meal because the ingredient list was so short. I didn't think there would be much flavor, but boy was I wrong! I ate this generous helping and could have had more if I hadn't already been full. The flavors were excellent. I'm a huge fan of pimento-stuffed green olives because I love their tang and cilantro always adds great flavor to anything.

The only change I made to the recipe was to use fresh carrots instead of frozen. I already had a bag of frozen peas so I didn't want to buy a mix of peas and carrots. I chopped 3 small carrots and added them with the onions, olives, etc. to cook. Otherwise this could not have been an easier meal to prepare. The hardest thing is chopping the veggies and cooking the rice.


  1. Looks pretty tasty...except for the rice. I'm not a big fan of plain white rice. I do like white rice with bonito flakes or Furikake...but just plain doesn't do anything for me. Now, brown rice...that's a different story.

  2. longhair - I love plain white rice. I don't even cook it in chicken stock most of the time. I don't know...for some reason I just love the flavor. I actually can't stand brown rice. I tried to like it, I really did, but I just can't.

  3. I love the colors next to the white rice!

  4. That is so lovely, I love a quick meal.

  5. I was just scanning your blog and you have some excellent recipes. I can't wait to try some. I love cooking also.

  6. that looks verrrry tasty. hope all is well over there. :)


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