
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Family Christmas Party

My mother's family came for our annual post-Christmas gathering on Friday and my mom cooked another turkey dinner for the occasion. My plate, from the bottom left - turkey, candy cane breadstick, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce and a yam in the middle:

Everything was delectable, even better than Thanksgiving dinner. This is one of my all-time favorite meals. I just love all the components together.

While we exchanged gifts we noshed on some cheese and crackers:

... as well as some olives and mozzarella balls marinated with spices and sundried tomatoes:

The turkey after it came out of the oven all golden-brown and delicious:

... and after my stepfather carved it. For longhairman - we ate some of the skin but most people preferred just the meat:

Everyone was very hungry by the time dinner was ready so I didn't take pictures of the individual serving pieces except for the candy cane breadsticks:

I love these things. The recipe is so easy - take refrigerated breadsticks and twist to shape into a candy cane. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with Parmesan and dried dill. Bake for about 15 minutes at 350 and you're done.

A friend of my mom's gave her two traditional Italian desserts:

... and we also had pumpkin pie:


  1. I love those candy cane breadsticks! I'll have to try those ... I guess I'll wait until Christmas 08 though! :P

  2. ditto, those are adorable! :) the turkey looks like it came out great too.

  3. hi there! i love the candy cane breadstick idea, too! that's very fun :) what are the two italian desserts, though? one looks like maybe it's a panettone (spelling?), but i don't recognize the powdered sugar one. what was under all the powdered sugar?

    -longhair's wife, bakergirl :)

  4. Katie and Melissa - The candy cane breadsticks are awesome! You should both give them a try. :)

    bakergirl - Hi!! I'm glad you stopped by. :) I haven't heard from longhair in awhile...hope he hasn't forsaken my blog.

    Honestly, I have no clue what the powdered sugar one was called. The one is definitely panetonne (??) but I can't remember the name of the other one.

  5. The white confection is a pan forte, made by my friend Randy. This pan forte is "a confection originating in Sienna, Italy, made from marinated candied fruit, honey, nut meats, cardamon, cinnamon, nutmet, and mace. This pan forte is based on an 11th century recipe." The panetone next to the pan forte was bought at Wegman's. Mom


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