
Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

This morning I made pancakes for breakfast.

As always, I cooked mine with chocolate chips. Yum!


  1. very rarely do I eat chocolate, or chocolate chips for that matter, any more - BUT muffins or pancakes with chips? YES YES YES! awesome looking pancakes.

  2. Those turned out so well! Picture perfect!

  3. Melissa - I really enjoy a good chocolate chip pancake now and then, but only homemade. I've found when I order them out they use too much chocolate.

  4. Chocolate chip pancakes are, by far, my favorite comfort food. My dad used to make them for me Saturday mornings if I had been good the week before, and they were always a special treat. Whenever I miss my dad, who lives 2000 miles away, I make myself some chocolate chip pancakes. :)

  5. Tara - They always bring me back to my childhood. My mom would make them on weekends and I used to love adding the chips as the batter started to cook. :)


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