
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

TV Dinner

Rachael Ray's recipe for a Salisbury steak TV dinner with mashed potatoes and creamed spinach is one of SP's favorite cold-weather meals. Now that the weather is changing it seemed like the perfect thing to make.

One of the things we really love is the bits of onion in the patties and the rich mushrooms gravy:

I had a few chives that my parents gave us awhile back so I snipped them into the mashed potatoes:

We really love the creamed spinach with just a touch of cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper:


  1. Oh my gosh, your mashed potato always looks so delicious! How do you do that? I want to eat it! lol And the mushrooms look delicious too. Phill doesn't like mushrooms so I don't usually make them, and I find myself missing them a lot. Mmm. :)

  2. Katie - Thanks! I just mash them with some butter, a little milk, salt and pepper. :)

  3. Looks yummy ... though I'm not usually a gravy eater. Now isn't that weird -- I grew up eating it, but now I just don't care for it much... Seems like wasted calories or something...

  4. JoJo - Not a gravy eater!? Are you crazy!? :P I am a serious gravy/sauce lover...the more the better!

  5. I'm not a gravy eater either, but I love sauces. if that makes any sense.

    I have to try this - I forgot that steve loves salisbury steak, always did, and in my two years cooking I haven't made it for him yet. yay! new ideas! :)

    it's going to have to wait though... I actually have no oven or stove to cook with for two weeks. long story. thank god for the crock pot!

  6. That's just how I like a mushroom sauce - with nice chunky discernible slices/pieces of mushroom in it. But then I love mushrooms and will eat whole ones raw just on their own. :) That meal looks superb!

  7. alosha - If you like sauce but not gravy what constitutes gravy or sauce? If you were going to try a recipe for salisbury steak this would be a great one! But no stove for two weeks? What happened?

    tfp - Mushrooms are so fantastic, aren't they? I'll be forever in your debt for that creamy garlic mushroom recipe...mmmm....

  8. hehe I knew I didn't put that very well - what I mean is, I like sauces like... the spicy or sweet sauces that come with my asian dishes, cream or tomato sauces for pastas, hollandaise sauce on my eggs, and many more I know I can't think of right now.

    but gravy to me means brown or white gravy that goes with meat and potatoes. probably cause I spent far too many years in texas. ;)

  9. Alosha, maybe you just never had good gravy. I know that there are some that would go through the trouble of spending hours in the kitchen only to finish off the dish with a jar of Heinz gravy. What a shame!

  10. alosha - I agree that gravy is something brown or white that goes with meat. If made properly using the drippings from the pan, a little flour and some stock it can be fantastic! :)

    longhair - I'll never understand jarred gravy.

  11. I admit if my stepfather-in-law in dallas cooks, I will eat his white gravy. that's good southern stuff right there! :)


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