
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Breakfast of Champions

Sunday morning. A time to relax over a nice, leisurely breakfast. Except that with church and my mother-in-law's surprise party this afternoon, not to mention going to the grocery store in between, there isn't much time for relaxing. But I still needed something to eat between my cereal at 8:45 a.m. and the party at 2:30 p.m.

That's where the breakfast sandwich comes in. Far healthier than anything you could get at the local drive-through, I start my sandwich with an English muffin, lightly toasted. I scramble one egg with salt and pepper and cook it gently over low heat so it remains creamy. I got some deli ham at the store and two slices of that completes the sandwich.

We had some slices of tomato leftover from dinner last night, so I ate those as well, sprinkled with salt and pepper. A big glass of orange juice and breakfast is served.


  1. Ok Sistah! Wow -- you are amazing (but I knew that already). Did you take all of the photos as well??

    LOVE it!!!

    I bow at your feet.....

    Love & Hugs, Crystal :)

  2. Yup...that digital camera we bought eons ago finally came in handy. I never knew I could take such good photos *patting myself on the back*

  3. Yay, I love your new blog! Keep the posts coming...I am getting hungry reading them!

    Miss you,
    Big Sarah

  4. I love me a homemade breakfast sandwich! I make mine with bacon and cheese, and a fried egg. YUM!


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